Pregnancy Story: 20 Weeks

We are officially half way through this pregnancy. So first, let’s take a bumpie. I wanted a letter board with a sweet potato that said half baked but I still had a (stale) pink donut left, so decided to take a picture with that instead.

[ This bumpie dress is perfect and so comfortable. Get one here.]

My twenty week appointment was actually a back to back double appointment! And I almost didnt make it to either.

We live right next to the ramp to get on the highway, which makes through traffic horrible whenever the bridge traffic gets backed up. When I woke up and brought Sassy to school, the GPS told me that all was well. However when I jumped on the ramp, I realized there was a standstill.

It’s only a 19 mile trip (over a bridge and through a tunnel), and I was 40 miles to E with my car in park. At one point my GPS even told me that my route was closed, I assume because of an accident, and I was ready to call and cancel my appointments. Oddly enough, I couldn’t get through to the office, and by the time I gave up the traffic was moving again.

My appointment check-in was 8:45, and at one point it said I’d be arriving at 1pm (uh- no thank you). But once we started moving again, my ETA dropped to 8:50. I made it with time to spare before the 9am start.

Instead of traditional checkups, I had opted for group sessions. Each mama gets a one-on-one in a private room for vitals, questions, and belly checks, then there’s a 90 minute class on a topic. Today’s topic was pregnancy pain.

We made essential oil rice packs when we arrived. Then had a special guest to give pelvic floor exercises and tips. We also chatted about treating things like headaches, leg cramps, heartburn, etc. Then it was time to go.

Anatomy Scan

Thankfully my anatomy scan was scheduled for the same exact building as my group meeting, so I didn’t have to worry about being late.

The first 90% of the scan went well. Lil Sweetie has four chambers in her heart, a full spine, and a solid femur. She was measuring one day ahead, and in the 75th percentile.

But then she checked out my placenta… which is sitting low. Although it’s not over the cervix, it’s close enough for concern. She said the cervix itself is in good shape, and the right shape. But the placenta is close, which puts it at risk for growing over the cervix as the baby grows. This would put us both at risk (but of course modern medical care would be able to elect for a C-section before a potentially deadly vaginal labor)

I haven’t had any spotting, so that’s a good sign. Fingers crossed that the placenta will grow up in the uterus, and won’t grow down and over the cervix.


One response to “Pregnancy Story: 20 Weeks”

  1. […] out my Twenty Week Update post […]

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